Image split into two - left side showing hands holding a paper showing a content marketing funnel document. The right side is showing a person holding a tablet, tapping the screen with their finger while reading the content marketing funnel document.
Image split into two - left side showing hands holding a paper showing a content marketing funnel document. The right side is showing a person holding a tablet, tapping the screen with their finger while reading the content marketing funnel document.
Image split into two - left side showing hands holding a paper showing a content marketing funnel document. The right side is showing a person holding a tablet, tapping the screen with their finger while reading the content marketing funnel document.

One pager Content marketing funnel

If you’re in business, you’ve probably heard of the marketing or purchase funnel. But are you leveraging this funnel to guide consumers smoothly from awareness to advocacy?

By using the funnel to inform your content strategy, you’ll save the time and energy you use trying to come up with content AND you’ll find your content actually converting!

Download our Guide to the Content Marketing Funnel to learn how to streamline your approach to content marketing now.

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Image of a folded paper in 4 parts, showing a one-pager content marketing funnel document.
Image of a folded paper in 4 parts, showing a one-pager content marketing funnel document.
Image of a folded paper in 4 parts, showing a one-pager content marketing funnel document.
A one-pager document called 'content marketing funnel' laying on a macbook, on a concrete grey background.
A one-pager document called 'content marketing funnel' laying on a macbook, on a concrete grey background.
A one-pager document called 'content marketing funnel' laying on a macbook, on a concrete grey background.
A tablet on a green suede-looking background, showing a one pager document called content marketing funnel.
A tablet on a green suede-looking background, showing a one pager document called content marketing funnel.
A tablet on a green suede-looking background, showing a one pager document called content marketing funnel.

House of Five Studio is dedicated to guiding female, BIPOC, and marginalised solopreneurs on a transformative journey towards visionary branding & content. For HoF, branding encompasses mission, metrics, vision, goals, data-laden research, and so much more.

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© 2024 by House Of Five Studio. All rights reserved.

House of Five Studio is dedicated to guiding female, BIPOC, and marginalised solopreneurs on a transformative journey towards visionary branding & content. For HoF, branding encompasses mission, metrics, vision, goals, data-laden research, and so much more.

Black House Of Five Studio logo on a transparent background

© 2024 by House Of Five Studio. All rights reserved.

House of Five Studio is dedicated to guiding female, BIPOC, and marginalised solopreneurs on a transformative journey towards visionary branding & content. For HoF, branding encompasses mission, metrics, vision, goals, data-laden research, and so much more.

Black House Of Five Studio logo on a transparent background

© 2024 by House Of Five Studio. All rights reserved.